Meditation is a life transforming experience. Meditation is an ever-blossoming voyage of self-discovery and inner awakening.
Meditation is a practice. Meditation is an every day existence. Meditation is bound by minutes - that sacred slot between awaking and working. Meditation enters into and becomes inseparably one with our entire day. Meditation is static, motionless. Meditation is dynamic, active.
A student of meditation very soon discovers that meditation is not an isolated activity confined to the corner of a room within an allotted time-frame, but rather an achievement that cannot be separated from every day existence. The fruits of meditation - peace, love and joy permeate everything that we say, do and think. The skills that we develop in order to maintain our regular meditation practice - discipline, willpower and determination we can employ in our other pursuits and aspirations both earthly and heavenly. Creating a calm and still mind is essential if we wish to experience meditation or the ocean of vastness within ourselves. This same calm and still mind is essential in order to live a life of harmony with both those around us and the Self within us.
Meditation is more than a relaxation technique. Like a perfectly centered spinning top that spins so fast that it appears motionless -meditation is stillness in action. Meditation is pure crystallized energy - a one-pointed presence in the now-moment.
To know oneself one must experience oneself. Only in the now-moment can one discover truth of existence. Situated in this sacred abode of timelessness a student of meditation experiences first hand the deeper nature of his consciousness, and through this experience comes to know his Self -the greater aspect of his being that has always been but has not yet been claimed, the higher and more illumined reality - the Self which is none other than God.
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